When Viewing Examples of Student Work:

Often a single example of work may not demonstrate all the required objectives for a particular assignment. Instead students should collectively consider: the required objectives for each assignment, the multiple examples presented on this website and during in class presentations. As well ideas discovered through a student's independent research in combination with various examples and ideas presented by instructor will ultimately be the best approach for synthesizing ideas and reaching the requirements (and unique outcome) for any particular course project. Attendance and participation in all classes and meeting with instructor with Art Assignments in progress well in advance of deadlines will increase chances for desired grade. To access all posts and links for the art part of this course go on the right side of this course website."LISTINGS FOR LECTURES (COURSE TOPICS) & ASSIGNMENTS"

Art Assignment 1 - Mathematics in Art - Asynchronous Online Extended Education Course - FA 1020 / Math 1020 SUMMER 2024


FA 1020 / Math 1020      Mathematics in Art    Asynchronous Online Extended Education Course                



 Art Assignment 1


Art Instructor:

Office Hours on Zoom -contact instructor to schedule a virtual office appointment at a mutually agreeable time.



Assignment 1:  Preliminary to Final Project Assignment    

Weighted 15% of the course (assignment assigned at the first class of term) 

DUE: Summer

All assignments are due on the day of the deadline.



All photos of assignments are due to be uploaded on UM Learn by 11:30 pm (Winnipeg time) of the Deadline Date. 



Any assignment uploaded past the 11:30 pm (Winnipeg time) deadline date is considered late. Assignments submitted late on the day of the assignment deadline will be deducted one letter grade. (For example, a late assignment evaluated at a B+ letter grade will receive a B .) 



No assignments will be accepted beyond 24hrs (Winnipeg time) on any given deadline date. Any assignment submitted beyond 24 hours on any given deadline date of any assignment deadline date will receive a ZERO Grade. 

Practice taking photos and uploading photos of assignment ahead of the deadline! 



People are given over five weeks to work on each art assignment – start the assignment immediately!  


For other Grade Penalties related to the assignment, see below Part 2 *** 


Summary of Art Assignment 1: 

Create an artwork using coloured art materials on illustration board (15 x 20 inches)  incorporating 1 example from each of the four mathematical concepts listed below.  

All four math concepts with each concept’s iteration should be clearly indicated and neatly labelled on top of work for one of two photographs required for submission on UM Learn.  

This assignment must include 1 water-based medium and 2 other optional colour art materials. 


Four Mathematical Concepts/Iterations Required (minimum):

Euclidean Construction (see textbook diagrams & math lecture notes) 

- Golden Ratio Construction (see textbook & math lecture notes)

Symmetries (includes patterns and or symmetrical objects - also see textbook & math lecture notes)

Euclidean Geometry without construction (Random Geometric Shapes that will not require testable math constructions)


Required Art Materials for Project: 

15 x 20 inches on illustration board

- 15 x 20 inches acetate overlay with labels attached to the top of the illustration board 

- 3 coloured art materials (minimum), which must include 1 coloured water-based medium (such as gouache, acrylic or watercolour) 


See the art supply list handout and see some examples of art supplies on the art website.




Check List of Parts 1 to 4


 A minimum of four selected mathematical concepts/iterations (listed above)  in colour on a 15 x 20-inch  illustration board. (Other surfaces are possible but must be the required dimension - consult with instructor for other potential surface options.)


NOTE: In colour means the use of pure black, or white, or grays, or bronze, or silver, or gold as a top layer is not permitted

Instead, mixing tints, shades, or tones of colour is permitted. 

To correct this problem, people may also use coloured glazes/washes to cover/layer over white, black, or gray, or silver, or gold areas provided there is transformation and the hues (colour) from the colour wheel are dominant. 


PART 2) Labels & Photographing Assignment for Upload to UM Learn 

(2 Photographs Required - see link below for more details):
Name and All 4 concepts with corresponding iterations should be clearly indicated, neatly labelled, and temporarily placed on work when photographing assignments. 

2 Photographs of Art Assignment Required:

Click Here for Complete Photography Instructions For Art Assignment 1     

The following is required to be neatly printed on labels and placed on the front of work for photographs: 

     - Name (first and last names as indicated on the U of M class list) 
     - Section:     A01 = 8:30am class      
     - Term (such as Winter 2022

Please do NOT indicate your student number.

  NOTE: not following the above PARTS 1 - 2 will result in a grade deduction of 1 letter grade. (0.5 GPA grade)  ***  

PART 3) MAIN REQUIREMENTS for Art Assignment:


3A) Elements - shapes, lines, math construction lines, patterns, colour, art material characteristics and space

Composition  **  orchestration and placement of elementsConcepts concerning composition:


        - Movement & flow: major and minor visual movements) and visual rhythms in the overall composition


        - Optical illusions of Space: Progressions of space created through overlapping of elements to create a sense of depth in overall work (Progressions of Space from Foreground to Middle Ground to Background Spaces)

        - Visual weights:  Dominant elements and secondary elements  (Size, placement, complexity and eventually colour)

        - Negative Space & Intervals: (2D spaces between elements - try to visually activate intervals/negative  spaces)

Initially, the assignment focuses on Shapes and Construction Lines by first exploring composition options.
Experiment and investigate compositions using B & W  photocopy cut-outs of math concepts at different scales and OR do preliminary drawings incorporating math concepts
  OR  a combination of both drawing and photocopies)
Photograph various explorations of composition using cut-outs

(Instructor will present various in-progress examples and completed examples of assignment requirements throughout the course during all scheduled art lectures.)

3C) Strategic Use of Colour 
**- Colour interaction and optics of colour within the space (strategic use in the progressive range of high and low colour contrast to create the illusion of depth and space) (create a sense of depth in overall work)

Use colour to reinforce the progression of space. 
Remember, the illusion of space is initially created by overlapping elements (Shapes and lines), but colour will be used to aid in reinforcing a progression of space.
(Go to Colour Theory for more information.) (essential requirement but physically happens later in the process of making the assignment)


3D) Editing, layering and revising
 **- Additive & subtractive processes of materials, opaqueness and transparency of materials 

(Video of Art Assignment Demonstrations using Art Materials by Instructor will be presented in each class for all scheduled art lectures.) (the process is a by-product for reaching assignment requirements 4A to 4C and all requirements in general.)

3E) Unified Variety and Complexity **- The ultimate goal is to have variety, complexity and unity in the overall Composition of a unique project that demonstrates a clear understanding of assignment requirements


PART 4) Secondary Requirements  - By-Products of Main Requirements   

4 A) Art Materials and Process - Integrate investigative process in physicality, layering and optics created by colour and use of art materials*


4 B) Mixing of Colour - strategic and substantial range of colour mixing (byproduct of parts 3C & 3D)*


4 C) Thick and thin applications of materials - Consider integrating the range of thick to thin applications of art materials (a by-product of parts 3D & 4D)


4 D) Variety and intention of Mark making - Does the application of art materials appear smooth and or uniform, or does the application of art materials leave a mark or texture from the brush or drawing tool? Consider integrating both  approaches in the work (by-product of parts 3D & 4C)


4 E) Matt and gloss surfaces/materials - Consider where matt and gloss surfaces will be best  utilized (a by-product from art material choices)


4 F) Variety and Unity - Integrating different uses of art materials art styles and considering context and relationship between different sensibilities (controlled/analytical and uncontrolled/intuitive sensibilities and styles). * 


4 G) Overall clear demonstration of intentions - Consider the visual integration of various art materials, design (composition, colour and space) and math concepts** 

(a by-product of the clear integration of all assignment requirements)




** = very important requirements 

* = important requirements

All the above assignment requirements from 1 to 5G are important, but particular emphasis should be placed on the requirements with the highlighted asterisks.





Art Assignment 1 Examples: Works In-Progress & Completed Art Assignments


Images Presented Oct 11, 2016